A quick introduction to integrate SDK
GreedyGame powers you to merge branding experiences within your application. This creates a harmonious blend of effective branding, a seamless user experience and effective monetization.
Before we get started with the integration, let’s brush through the definitions of some important terms that we’ll see referenced regularly.
Your one stop interface for integration, setup and day-to-day reporting.
These are non clickable textures inside your game that are dynamically branded at runtime. The native unit is seamlessly blended into the in-game textures and so, the textures remain the same and are simply enhanced with branding.
This is a clickable ad-unit that hovers in a non-intrusive parts of the user’s screen. When a user clicks on this unit, it expands into a dynamic window called the Engagement Window. Float units don’t require any changes to in game objects.
The Engagement Window is a screen that expands when a user clicks on the float-unit. Users interact with the brand through meaningful engagement experiences within this window.
An exhaustive list of the ads that are eligible to run on your games. This list may not contain any campaigns during setup and testing but we promise to fill it up once you’re done integrating.
Go to publisher.greedygame.com and signup for your account. Simply verify your account using the link you receive via email.
If you need any help around this, we’re happy to help. Just drop us a note at support@greedygame.com.
This will generate a new Game ID(game profile id) which needs to be used at the time of integration.
if you haven’t launched your app onto the playstore yet, simply use any valid playstore URL. Be sure to switch it back to the correct URL once you’ve launched.
Once you’ve found the right spots on your game, it’s time to upload the textures. Follow these simple steps(also referenced in the image below)
Great job on the setup so far! To make the rest of the integration an absolute breeze for you, we’ve set up an integration wizard on your publisher panel.
Once you’ve logged in, on the top of your page and select SDK Integration Wizard and we’ll walk you through the integration from the comfort of your own publisher panel.